Lesson: Putting a STOP to Online Meanness
Grade Level: 2nd
Original lesson: https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/lesson/putting-a-stop-to-online-meanness
Revised lesson using UDL:
Multiple Means of Engagement:
- Discuss what it means to be mean and how it makes someone feel. Identify what online means and give examples of meanness. Pair students together and have them explain if something ever happened to them but without using real names.
- Have students take stuffed animals and act out experiences where someone is being to another one. Decide if the statements were online or in person and how it makes them feel.
- Students will play a quiz on Kahoot about cyberbullying
Multiple Means of Representation
- Students will complete the handout labeled STOP Online Meanness in small groups of 4.
- Students will also learn the four rules of stopping meanness online.
- Some students will have follow-up questions to answer, and others will be watching an online video about how cyberbullying affects people online.
Multiple Means of Action & Expression
- Students will complete the exit ticket which is page 2 of the handout.
- Students will be able to share what they learn online by creating posters and videos of STOP Meanness online
- The student will use Canva to make their posters
Evaluation: Tripe E Framework
-The students will have a chart to fill out: Why do you think someone is mean online and why do you think someone is mean in person?
– Students will be able to work in partners to motivate one another to complete the task on time.
– Students will act out scenarios of meanness and how it makes one feel
-Students can pick if they would like to work in small groups or if independently is better for them. Students can have discussions of how they each feel when meanness is presented.
-Students can use multiple digital tools that they each feel comfortable with and can use.
Students will be able to teach other people outside of school that being mean, and cyberbullying is not ok, and it needs to stop.
This is a learning experience where students can build and help one another get better.
They can teach others what kindness is and how it helps.
I think the original lesson plan is a great lesson and could help get the message across. It gives clear language but is also informative for students to understand. In the original students can play out scenarios with stuffed animals, this will be very engaging for students. I will say they can add more independent work for students. This will help the teacher be able to see what students can and not do. In the revised lesson plan it gives a little more details about UDL principles. I think it needs more details information and another evaluation to see which student needs more help. It needs differentiation.