Let’s Define Digital Learning in Simple Terms
Let’s Define Digital Learning in Simple Terms

Let’s Define Digital Learning in Simple Terms

Research online or on the library website to discover more about what is meant by digital learning. With the knowledge you have gained, construct your own definition of digital learning in terms that K–12 students can understand (specify the grade level you chose to write your definition for).

Make sure to select, cite, and include the reliable sources you used into your comments.

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Rukhsora (she/her)
1 month ago

Digital learning for second graders is using the technology devices such as their laptops or Ipads for educational interactions such as IXL which is a very common app I see all students use for their homework. Digital learning and games such as for language can enhance classroom practices.


Isatou Batchilly (she/her)

Digital learning definition for 4th grade is the use of technology, such as computers, tablets, or the internet, to help you learn new things. It can include playing educational games, watching videos, using apps, or finding information online. Digital learning helps you to understand subjects better by allowing you to explore and interact with ideas in different ways, like through pictures, videos, and interactive activities.


Zaniya Blackwell (She/Her/Hers)

Digital learning for first graders involves using technology like tablets, computers, or smartboards to make learning fun and interactive. They can watch educational videos, play learning games, and use drawing apps to practice writing. These tools help them understand subjects like math, reading, and science in exciting ways. According to the Core Coaches, digital centers can be completed with tablets, laptops, or desktop computers, making learning engaging during small group instruction.

Digital Literacy Centers for First Grade Everything you need!

Isatou Batchilly (she/her)

Digital learning means using technology like computers, tablets, and the internet to help you learn in new and fun ways. You can watch videos, play games, and interact with projects online, which makes learning more engaging and personalized. It helps you learn at your own pace, making it easier to understand and enjoy your lessons.

source: https://www.businessinsider.com/chatgpt-ai-tools-replace-teachers-high-school-students-learning-education-2024-8?utm_source=chatgpt.com

Zaniya Blackwell (She/Her/Hers)

Digital learning is when we use computers, tablets, or other electronic devices to help us learn new things. For example, in kindergarten, this might mean listening to stories on a tablet, playing educational games on a computer, or watching videos that teach us about letters and numbers. These tools make learning fun and allow us to explore and discover in different ways.

source: What is Digital Learning and What It Means Directly to the Classroom? | Technology

Yandy Ruiz (She/Her)
1 month ago

For a 2nd grade class, digital learning is using tablets and computers to help students understand the class better. Also, watching a movie related to the class or using a projector is also considered digital learning because the purpose of it will be to help students apply the lesson taught in class. Digital learning is useful because it lets students learn at their own speed using the learning style they prefer.

Reference: https://www.grasslakeschools.com/departments/technology/what-is-digital-learning-and-what-it-means-directly-to-the-classroom

Camila Mejia (she/her)

Digital learning for the 4th-grade level means using technology like computers and tablets to help students learn. It can include watching videos, playing educational games, and joining online classes. This way, students can learn at their own pace and even from home. Digital learning also makes it easier for teachers to share lessons and for students to work together on projects. Overall, it makes learning more fun and flexible.

source: https://gosa.georgia.gov/about-us/what-digital-learning

Stephanie Rios (She/her)

Digital learning for children in Pre-K involves using age-appropriate apps and digital devices. These apps and devices must foster the children’s cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and language development while complementing traditional learning methods and being mindful of screen time exposure requirements.

My source:https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/ps_technology.pdf

Zainab Barry
5 months ago

Digital Learning For a 5th-grade level: using computers, tablets, and the internet to help them learn new things. It lets students learn at a pace that works for them, access classes online, and collaborate in discussions with professors and friends. Students can collaborate with their classmates to do a class project, and play games. Digital learning promotes inclusion and allows students with learning disability to participate.


Johanna Ott (She/Her)
5 months ago

According to NYSED Digital learning is the effective use of digital technology can assist educators in meeting the needs of students through differentiating and personalizing learning; providing flexibility in scheduling and pace; and providing multiple entry points for students to both engage in and demonstrate learning


I definitely agree with this definition for Digital Learning. Put into my own words Digital Learning is using technology platforms on devices to gain access to learning information. Digital learning allows for teaching materials to be created based on each individual student’s needs. Digital learning also allows for different platforms to be used and for learning to occur at different paces as well as in different places. 

Mauricio (He)
5 months ago

I am considering many definitions I have read about digital learning. I could define digital learning as an umbrella term for all educational practices that use technology to enhance teaching and learning. The vast possibilities, from interactive applications to immersive virtual environments, offer educators and learners innovative tools to improve comprehension and engagement.

As a Pre-K special education teacher, I could say that digital learning is a tool that fosters inclusivity, using technology to enable pedagogical practices and strategies in the teaching and learning process for student success. It includes a broad range of curricular models, design strategies, content and communication tools, and student support services for students across all learning modalities, including face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments. Evidence demonstrates that learning with technology has the potential to significantly improve course outcomes and that digital solutions lower the cost of course materials, particularly for poverty-affected students and Black, Latino, and Indigenous students.

With digital learning, educators are empowered to tailor instruction to students’ needs and capabilities, promote active and collaborative learning, provide timely feedback, and improve academic outcomes. This empowerment instills a sense of capability and confidence in educators, knowing they have the tools to enhance their teaching methods.

Digital learning expands face-to-face, blended, and online learning opportunities based on the people, processes, and technologies supporting students.

My source


Jean Miller
5 months ago

Digital learning is the acquiring of knowledge, understanding, and skill through the use of an electronic device. It gives students the opportunity to engage in individual tailor made learning as well as collaborative learning through the avenue of technology. For individual personalized learning, digital technology can appeal to the learning style of each learner. For collaborative learning, digital technology gives students the opportunity to work together virtually outside of the physical classroom. Overall, digital learning is very beneficial for enhanced learning.


Diomaris Sierra
5 months ago

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is the process of education through access to technology. It utilizes the internet and digital platforms to enable students to access materials, assignments, and weekly reports anytime, from any location. This 21st-century approach promotes effectiveness, inclusion, and accessibility for all students. Digital learning opens up a world of possibilities, allowing students to enroll in courses, programs, and even pursue careers from any device. It also supports personalized learning, encourages collaboration, and provides real-time feedback, making education more flexible and engaging for diverse learners.

Digital learning offers a variety of ways to access education, including synchronous, asynchronous, blended, hybrid, and HyFlex models. Synchronous learning happens in real time with live interaction, while asynchronous learning allows students to complete work on their own schedules. Blended and hybrid learning combine online and in-person instruction, giving students the flexibility to benefit from both methods. The HyFlex model goes a step further, allowing students to choose whether to attend classes in person, synchronously online, or asynchronously. By combining these types of digital learning, students can benefit from increased flexibility, personalized learning experiences, and greater accessibility, adapting to their individual needs and schedules.

Diomaris Sierra
5 months ago

Digital learning is the process of education through access to technology. It utilizes the internet and digital platforms to enable students to access materials, assignments, and weekly reports anytime, from any location. This 21st-century approach promotes effectiveness, inclusion, and accessibility for all students. Digital learning opens up a world of possibilities, allowing students to enroll in courses, programs, and even pursue careers from any device. It also supports personalized learning, encourages collaboration, and provides real-time feedback, making education more flexible and engaging for diverse learners.

Digital learning offers a variety of ways to access education, including synchronous, asynchronous, blended, hybrid, and HyFlex models. Synchronous learning happens in real time with live interaction, while asynchronous learning allows students to complete work on their own schedules. Blended and hybrid learning combine online and in-person instruction, giving students the flexibility to benefit from both methods. The HyFlex model goes a step further, allowing students to choose whether to attend classes in person, synchronously online, or asynchronously. By combining these types of digital learning, students can benefit from increased flexibility, personalized learning experiences, and greater accessibility, adapting to their individual needs and schedules.

Yrka Paula (She/her)
6 months ago

Digital learning is the process of accessing instructional materials and finishing homework utilizing devices like computers, tablets, and the internet. It enables students to access resources from various devices, whether they are at home, in school, or somewhere else, and learn at their own pace. Students can learn in accordance with their own requirements and schedules thanks to the freedom that digital learning offers. But it also presents certain difficulties. For the purpose of navigating various apps and platforms, students require internet connectivity and a fundamental comprehension of technology. They can have trouble finishing their assignments and staying up to date with their studies without these.
Source: Teacher digital learning guide

Last edited 6 months ago by Yrka Paula
Sara N Rosado
6 months ago

Digital learning involves using technology to support and enhance education. This includes things like online courses, interactive e-books, educational videos, virtual classrooms, and digital tools like Kahoot, Padlet, and Google Workspace. Digital learning makes education more flexible, accessible, and interactive, giving students more ways to engage with their learning process.

Digital learning means using technology to help high school students learn in fun and flexible ways. Instead of just reading from a textbook, students can watch videos, take interactive quizzes, or work on projects with classmates online. These tools allow them to practice and learn at their own pace, both inside and outside the classroom.

Digital tools allow all teachers to personalize lessons and adapt to each student’s needs, offering flexibility in how and when students learn. It also gives students more choices in how they participate and show what they’ve learned. According to the New York State Board of Regents, “Technology is a path for teaching and learning, but it is also a body of practices, skills, and knowledge to be learned.” To succeed in today’s world, students must become digitally fluent, learning how to use technology safely and effectively for their future careers and everyday life.


New York State Education Department. Digital Learning Resources. Retrieved from NYS Ed Tech.

The Global Hues. What is Digital Learning? | It’s Advantages | Disadvantages | Impact on Traditional Learning. YouTube.

Zandra Prestigiacomo (She/Her)

Definition of Digital Learning for 7th Grade Students:

Digital learning is when we use technology, like laptops, tablets, or smartphones, to learn new things. Instead of just using textbooks, digital learning lets us explore subjects through online videos, games, and interactive lessons. We can also join virtual classrooms or use apps that help us practice skills, like math or english, at our own pace. It helps make learning more fun and personalized, whether we are at school or learning from home.


Elena Camacho
6 months ago

This definition is for fifth-grade students: Digital learning is when you use technology, like computers, tablets, or smartphones, to help you learn new things. It can include watching videos, playing educational games, or doing online activities. Instead of just reading from a book, you can explore different subjects in fun and interactive ways. Digital learning can happen at school or home, and it helps you learn at your own pace, which means you can take your time if you need to or move faster if you already understand.

The source is “Digital Learning: A Guide for Parents” from the U.S. Department of Education, which discusses the importance of digital tools in the classroom.

Elisa Velez
8 months ago

Digital Learning is a kind of learning that is supported largely by technology. This method makes learning free of restriction in that students are no longer bound to traditional learning styles. Digital Learning allows teachers and students to manipulate factors such as time, place and path. Covid made schools shift towards this type of learning. Students were attending class virtually and completing assignments on line. They were also able to access assignments early, time. Students gained the ability to pace themselves with classwork and homework; a benefit for learners who needed extra time and breaks. Another benefit of digital learning is the amount of software and digital tools available that can support a variety of learning styles.


Martin Adames
8 months ago

Digital learning is a new method of instruction through digital apps, technology, and other web-based technology. It is intended to make learning more accessible to students. Digital learning is meant to be exciting, transparent, and engaging. With hundreds of ready-to-use tools, teachers, and other educators can create highly engaging lessons, motivate students learning, differentiate to cater to all types of learners, be able to assess growth, and pin on areas of need and development.

The New York State Department of Education defines it as “The effective use of digital technology can assist educators in meeting the needs of students through differentiating and personalizing learning; providing flexibility in scheduling and pace; and providing multiple entry points for students to both engage in and demonstrate learning”.  


In my opinion, digital learning is the present and future. Everyone should be able to have a basic understanding of tech and the digital era. Digital learning is the new world language. It is imperative to learn it. Everything is done online, from paying bills to taking online courses, and video chats. It is the era of communication worldwide.

Alondra Ramirez (She/her)

Digital learning is using online learning tools that help students gain more knowledge. 

My definition is for a 1st-grade classroom. 

My source is  https://agpartseducation.com/what-is-digital-learning/#:~:text=Digital%20learning%20is%20an%20instructional,be%20used%20within%20digital%20learning.

Zebo Pirmukhamedova
9 months ago

According to https://gosa.georgia.gov/about-us/what-digital-learning Digital Learning is defined as “learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.”[1] 

To me digital learning is a way to engage, motivate and facilitate learning by allowing learners access the content through meaningful and collaborative ways. It helps them develop skills inside and outside of the classroom via various modes of representations. It develop independency learning as well as the ability to work collaboratively without having to depend on just one model for all.

Ioana Paunescu
9 months ago

The following definition is geared toward a 9th/10th grade student audience. 

Digital learning is the use of technology in order to help facilitate learning. It can help students access content at any time, outside of the classroom, and at their own pace. It can also provide explanations of content in various modalities, and allow students to showcase their understanding of content in multiple ways. 

Digital learning combines technology (ex: laptop, smartphone, etc.) with digital content (videos, interactive games, lectures) and instruction to provide learning that is engaging, flexible, and accessible for students. 

Digital learning can be highly collaborative, and it allows students to access information on the world wide web. Because of this, it is important for students to learn about safety and digital citizenship to make sure that security and privacy is maintained. 

Information learned from: https://gosa.georgia.gov/about-us/what-digital-learning and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJnqZgHFV40&t=4s

Maryann Ortiz
9 months ago

Grade K-2 students:

Digital Learning is when a student uses a device to learn how to problem solve with reading and math. According to https://www.teachfloor.com, Digital learning refers to the use of technology to facilitate education. It includes a wide range of tools, platforms, and resources that can be used to support learning and development for students of all ages and backgrounds. As for what I have learned about digital learning is when people use electronical devices to encounter and learn educationally.

Ernestina Alonzo (She/Her)

Digital learning, in my view, is learning done with technology tools (tablets, laptops, SmartBoards etc.). These tools help the student better understand the information being introduced.

In older students, digital learning can enhance and even make the lesson(s) being learned fun and exciting.

In younger students, technology can explain topics in a way that captures the young student’s brain.

Cristina Vazquez (She/Her)

Digital literacy means knowing how to use technology like computers, tablets, and the internet. It includes different skills, such as using devices and software correctly. It also means knowing how to find and use information online safely. Being able to understand and think about what you see in videos and pictures is important too. Digital literacy helps you talk to others using digital tools. Additionally, it teaches you how to keep your information private and stay safe online. These skills are important for learning, working, and living in today’s world.

My response was written for students grade level 2.

the resource I used is linked below.


Charlene V Jimoh
9 months ago

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is using technology to make learning easier, more engaging, and more accessible. It’s about using tools like computers, tablets, smartphones, and the internet to learn new things, connect with others, and express ourselves creatively.

Here’s what digital learning looks like:

  • Young Learners (K-2): Playing educational games on a tablet, watching interactive stories, or using apps to practice letters and numbers.
  • Elementary School (3-5): Researching topics online, creating digital presentations, taking virtual field trips, or collaborating with classmates on projects.
  • Middle School (6-8): Using online simulations to explore science concepts, coding simple games or animations, participating in online discussions, or creating digital portfolios of their work.
  • High School (9-12): Taking online courses, using digital tools for research and writing, learning through virtual labs and simulations, or connecting with global communities for collaborative projects.
  • Adults: Taking online professional development courses, using mobile apps for language learning, participating in virtual conferences, or learning new skills through online tutorials.

Benefits of Digital Learning:

  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
  • Engagement: Interactive tools and multimedia make learning fun.
  • Accessibility: Opens up educational opportunities for everyone.
  • Collaboration: Connect and learn with others, regardless of location.
  • Preparation for the Future: Equips learners with digital skills essential for success in the 21st century.


Charlene V Jimoh
9 months ago

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is using technology to make learning easier, more engaging, and more accessible. It’s about using tools like computers, tablets, smartphones, and the internet to learn new things, connect with others, and express ourselves creatively.

Here’s what digital learning looks like:

  • Young Learners (K-2): Playing educational games on a tablet, watching interactive stories, or using apps to practice letters and numbers.
  • Elementary School (3-5): Researching topics online, creating digital presentations, taking virtual field trips, or collaborating with classmates on projects.
  • Middle School (6-8): Using online simulations to explore science concepts, coding simple games or animations, participating in online discussions, or creating digital portfolios of their work.
  • High School (9-12): Taking online courses, using digital tools for research and writing, learning through virtual labs and simulations, or connecting with global communities for collaborative projects.
  • Adults: Taking online professional development courses, using mobile apps for language learning, participating in virtual conferences, or learning new skills through online tutorials.

Benefits of Digital Learning:

  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.
  • Engagement: Interactive tools and multimedia make learning fun.
  • Accessibility: Opens up educational opportunities for everyone.
  • Collaboration: Connect and learn with others, regardless of location.
  • Preparation for the Future: Equips learners with digital skills essential for success in the 21st century.


Charlene V Jimoh
9 months ago

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is using technology to make learning easier, more engaging, and more accessible. It’s about using tools like computers, tablets, smartphones, and the internet to learn new things, connect with others, and express ourselves creatively.

Here’s what digital learning looks like:

Young Learners (K-2): Playing educational games on a tablet, watching interactive stories, or using apps to practice letters and numbers.

Elementary School (3-5): Researching topics online, creating digital presentations, taking virtual field trips, or collaborating with classmates on projects.

Middle School (6-8): Using online simulations to explore science concepts, coding simple games or animations, participating in online discussions, or creating digital portfolios of their work.

High School (9-12): Taking online courses, using digital tools for research and writing, learning through virtual labs and simulations, or connecting with global communities for collaborative projects.

Adults: Taking online professional development courses, using mobile apps for language learning, participating in virtual conferences, or learning new skills through online tutorials.

Benefits of Digital Learning:

Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.

Engagement: Interactive tools and multimedia make learning fun.

Accessibility: Opens up educational opportunities for everyone.

Collaboration: Connect and learn with others, regardless of location.

Preparation for the Future: Equips learners with digital skills essential for success in the 21st century.


Every Learner Everywhere: Provides a comprehensive overview of digital learning and its benefits.


All4Ed: Offers a broader perspective on digital learning and its impact on education.


University of Illinois: Discusses the advantages of digital learning, such as improved access to quality education and critical thinking skills development.


Deborah Monforte
9 months ago

From this article, https://gosa.georgia.gov/about-us/what-digital-learning

Digital learning is defined as: learning facilitated by technology that gives students the ability to have control over time, place, path and/or pace.

For younger students I would define digital learning as learning in which we use electronic devices such as tablets or computers to help us understand more information.

For older students I would define digital learning as using devices as resources to engage and further our understanding of materials we are learning.

Angelica Laburda (she/her)

After collaborating with my group on Jamboard during the last class, I found that my own perspective and experience of the effects of digital learning were aligned with the others. We were aligned in our belief that digital learning gives learners a chance to navigate, create, collaborate, and communicate through technology.

If I were to explain digital learning to 3rd graders I would say it’s a way to bring together 2 of the most important parts of your life, school and technology! It’s a way to embrace and use the tech skills you have to make learning more fun and engaging.

Pamella Peguero (She/her)

What is digital learning? Digital learning helps to empower education. Using technology, like computers, tablets, and the internet, to help teach students through non-traditional avenues. It allows learning to move past the restraints of a classroom and enables you to learn wherever you can access the internet. Learning becomes more interactive, fun, and innovative. Digital learning allows students to learn at their own pace and caters to their flexibility. Digital learning enables you to tailor the material to appropriate grade levels, allowing everyone to participate and learn new digital capabilities. My definition would be geared towards upper school yet the younger students would be able to understand that digital learning is more than just pencil and paper. It’s using technology to bring learning to life.

According to Wikipedia Contributors (2019), Digital learning is learning that is supported by technology. It encompasses any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It includes a wide array of practices, including blended and virtual learning.

Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, October 14). Digital learning. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_learning

Angelica Laburda (she/her)

I think it’s so important that you mentioned how it allows students to learn at their own pace and caters to their flexibility and how digital learning enables you to tailor the material to appropriate grade levels. These are both such huge parts of it!

Shavon Glover (She/Her/Hers)

What is Digital Learning?

For my high school students, I would describe digital learning as a for of learning facilitated by the use of technology that will allow them to have some control over their pace of learning, where their learning can take place and their learning direction.

According to the Office of Educational Technology, digital learning is defined as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practices.”

Digital learning and technology can move educators toward meeting the needs of each student and providing an individualized approach to an engaging education. Tailoring support to each student’s strength, interests, learning styles, and time considerations allows for empowering the learner by focusing on competencies.


Ingrid Blumberg (she/her)

What is digital learning? 

To help fourth/fifth grade students understand what digital learning is, I will begin with the definition provided by  Digital Learning Now! and the Florida Virtual School, https://gosa.georgia.gov/about-us/what-digital-learning. Digital Learning is “learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.”

The use of the internet allows you to learn at any given time as there are no restrictions especially when it comes to location. You can access materials from the comfort of your home or anywhere else that has internet connection. Lessons can be interactive and adaptive to allow for personal understanding and learning. You will be able to learn at your own pace and use multiple resources to assist you with the lessons. You will be able to learn from using computers, tablets, or even smartphones. The lessons will include videos, images and activities to help explain things that may be confusing. You can also interact with others and play games to help teach you the topic as learning is fun.  

1 year ago

“Digital learning refers to any type of learning that uses technology” EduBright
In the article they stated it was a very broad definition and I agree with them on that. They merely mentioned rhat you can use devices and internet to access videos and view courses. Although digital materials are typically implemented digital learning involves learning to be a responsible member of the digital community, and protecting your privacy. Furthermore, digital learning should include the ability to use a device or program properly. We cannot expect to implement digital learning without teaching the basics. I also believe that a digital learning must emcompass accessibility for all to learn whether it its a text to speech tool or using videos with visuals to break down concepts for students.


Isatou Kebbeh
1 year ago

According to the website, “twinkl.com” distill learning is, “the process of being a participant of a teaching of any topic through the use of technology and most time using the internet.” Digital learning can be understood by a 9th grader as learning using technology devices. Digital learning can include a computer, laptop, mobile phones, LCD screens and internet connections. There are many advantages and disadvantages of digital learning. The advantages of digital learning are that it can save time for students and teachers, we can record lectures and play them later, we can save our flies and many more. The disadvantages of digital learning are it requires digital devices and some families can’t afford it or have access to it. Internet connection can be a problem. Technical difficulties can come up and many more.


What is digital Learning?


Monsita Lizette Colon (She/her)

The definition of digital learning states it is an instructional practice that uses technology to enhance students education and learning experience for kindergarten student it teaches them ways to use technology not only to play you tube videos and video games, but to in corporate school learning and homework that can be done with parents or care giver’s,

it gives parents a better way to connect with their children work and homework, parents have a better understanding on what’s going on in the classroom and outside of the classroom.technology has open doors for music and art classes to be incorporated in a early childhood classroom.

Digital learning has help children with special needs be more vocal and involved helping with no child left behind act, digital learning has help in all ages and has helped teachers evolved



Tracey Fuller (Her/She)

What is meant by Digital Learning? That is a question that I found through research to have many answers. I can understand why. A fundamental principle of instructional technology in digital learning environments is to empower students from being literate to digital fluency. Digital Education encompasses many aspects and therefore there are many ways to define it.

In one of the video that I watched, What is Digital Education, I found these words to be effective when explaining what Digital Educations is; “engaging, personalized, interactive, relevant, and innovation focused.” Yet a different video Digital Transformation in Education Challenges and Opportunities defined Digital Education with words like “evolving, and can deliver Education in different places at different times.” These words stand out and give a great foundation for my response to the question.

I am writing for the Junior High School level. Based on my knowledge, Digital Education is the process of “engaging in flexible, and integrated interactions with innovation focused technology / digital tools in relevant, evolving, collaborative, and personalized manner.”

Teaching and learning in this new digital age is a growing phenomenon. It doesn’t matter how you define Digital Education because there are many ways. Remember the point of Digital Education is to empower learners with a personalized, flexing, learning experience where innovation is the goal.

What is Digital Education, YOUTUBE. https://youtu.be/DzDtJTFt2Is?si=NXdpjRV20IeOg4Df,(09/24/2003)

Sudo Roux, Digital Transformation in Education,Challenges and Opportunities, YOUTUBE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF9gVa8tUI8&t=423s (09/24/23).

Ashley Perez
1 year ago

When I searched ” What is Digital Learning?”, the first response was this quote…

“Digital Learning is “learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.”

I’m going to lean more with an ICT 6th grade classroom when analyzing this. I agree that it is learning taught by technology but i strongly agree that it gives students control over their learning, a sense of pace , place and path. Students are able to access google classroom, amplify and other platforms at their own free will. They can complete assignments that are not yet finished. Teachers can make strategic groupings on these platforms to scaffold the work across the groups. This allows differentiation across all learners needs.

For me, Digital Learning is online learning promoted by technology in order to allow accessibility to all learners while allowing students to feel more in charge of their academics.



Mabel Garcia (she/her/hers)

6th Grade Special Education Classroom

Learning is the process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and understanding about different things in the world arounds us. When we lear, we use our senses, like seeing, hearing, and touching, to explore and discover new things.

Digital learningis a special kind of learning that happens with the help of computers, tablets, or other elecetronic devices. Digital learning can happen at school or even at home. where we can access educational websites, watch fun videos, and play interactive games that make learning more enjoyable. Its like having a virtual teacher or a helpful friend who can guide us through lessons and provide us with extra support when we need it. Digital learning also helps us become even more curiou, creative, and confident learners in this modern age.

Cassandra W.
1 year ago

The US Dept. of Education defines digital learning as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practices.” The New York State Dept. of Ed. states that, “The effective use of digital technology can assist educators in meeting the needs of students through differentiating and personalizing learning; providing flexibility in scheduling and pace; and providing multiple entry points for students to both engage in and demonstrate learning.” 

For a 6th grade classroom, I would describe digital learning as learning that utilizes technology in order to strengthen outcomes for all students by meeting their individual needs. Based on my experience, technology provides the opportunity for increased differentiation, accessibility, and student engagement in the classroom. I arrived at this definition because it’s important for students to know that the goal when using technology is to meet the learning target, but also that every individual will get the support(s) that they need to meet the learning target. 

Jennifer R. (she/her)

According to ISTE, digital learning, generally understood to mean learning experiences provided over a digital network, can be self-directed or instructor-led, and can be synchronous (live interactions) or asynchronous (elapsed interactions). This type of learning could occur on a variety of devices (laptops, desktops, tablets, phones) and platforms, apps, social media, online gaming, and learning management systems. The devices can be used interchangeably. The internet plays a key role in digital learning. It can lead to more independent and individualized learning. The students have more control over their learning and are invested stakeholders. The students are engaged.

This definition applies to all grade levels from elementary school to graduate level but I wrote it with middle school in mind.



Sarah Palomeque
1 year ago

Digital learning is either teaching or learning with the support of technology. Learning with the use of technology like a computer, laptop, and/or iPad is digital learning. These devices will enhance the students’ learning and the teacher’s teaching. I would use this definition with grade 3. On http://www.tech.ed.gov defines, “Digital learning is defined as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practices.”

Anastasia Tsimiklis
1 year ago

I googled ‘what is digital learning?’ and the first post that came up was from georgia.gov. It defined digital learning as

Digital Learning is “learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.

The rest of the article went on to saying different areas which digital learning affects students across time, space, path, and pace. I found it interesting because each aspect mentioned discusses how digital learning allows to lift a restriction that students may have in a traditional classroom setting. For example, it explains how,

“Learning is no longer restricted to the school day or the school year. “

Learning is no longer restricted within the walls of a classroom.”

In my opinion, these definitions possibly refer to older students (perhaps HS and above). Though digital learning allows for the above mentioned things to be possible, it requires a type of skill in order to achieve those. Though digital learning opens learning to outside of the classroom and content that is typically taught in the classroom, a sense of direction still needs to be provided in order for learning to become successful. If I were to revamp Georgia’s definition of digital learning, it would be something along the lines of Digital learning is the opportunity for students to enhance their learning outside of the classroom with the use of digital tools.

Ashley Perez
1 year ago

This article is one that I chose as well. I feel it really defined the importance of digital learning in its definition. I agree with the second quote as to ” Learning is no longer restricted to the school day or the school year”. This is explaining how students have access to complete work that is incomplete, or work when they are absent and that they have access to assignments even after the marking period/school year. Everything saves on google classroom and online platforms. It helps take away stress from students because they do not have to worry about work only being done in class but when they have more time, in the right headspace and can get extra help during lunch maybe.

Kattie Guerrero-Valoy

The office of Educational Technology defines digital learning as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practices.” https://tech.ed.gov/publications/digital-learning-guide/teacher/#:~:text=Digital%20learning%20is%20defined%20as,reflection%20questions%20to%20help%20guide

The student friendly definition for a 9th Grade class would be the following:

Digital learning: Is the use of technology to have access to different platforms and resources to engage in a learning experience. It provides different ways to collaborate and engage in a lesson. In order to achieve these goals you need a device and internet access.

Ashley Perez
1 year ago

I agree that when it comes to digital learning, it must incorporate a collaboration between students and teacher and engage them throughout the lesson. Schools should all get on board to think about adding devices into the budget because it will benefit the students academic learning and help those students who do not have devices at home. During covid they gave internet access for free to all households who were in need and I feel that it should be brought back because we do have struggling families and it will help make it more accessible .

JoEllen (She/Her)
1 year ago

The US Department of Education offer this definition for digital learning on their website, , “Digital learning is defined as “any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience and encompasses a wide spectrum of tools and practices.”

In this article aimed at guiding school leaders through the process of integrating and implementing digital learning in education, it covers all the various areas that must be considered. The comprehensive overview spans, leadership in digital learning, collaboration between the school and home, professional learning for educators, training for students, and privacy and safety concerns.
Digital learning is a large and diverse field. Loosely it encompasses not only software but the practices needed to manage and maintain the hardware, the process of tool selection and implementation, and pedagogy in instructing both students and educators.
If I were to share a definition for my 3rd-5th graders I would say, Digital learning is any form of interaction with technology that supports your learning. I would then ask them to think about all the ways we interact with technology, from the videos we can watch on BrainPop or YouTube, Email, Google Classroom, Google Suite (doc, slides, etc), Kahoot, our smartboard, Echo Dot/Clock and more. Technology like any tool is useful when it serves us well. I think for younger students it is important to be sure technology is used authentically as a tool and students are making thoughtful choices on when to engage with it.

Sarah Palomeque
1 year ago
Reply to  JoEllen

Our students interact with technology in so many ways, like using BrainPop, YouTube, and etc. They might not realize they are enhancing their learning through those interactions but we do.

Cassandra W.
1 year ago
Reply to  JoEllen

Your definition of digital learning as any form of interaction with technology that supports your learning is straightforward and accessible to younger students. I like that you encourage them to reflect on the various ways they are already engaging with technology in the classroom. 

Mabel Garcia (she/her/hers)
Reply to  JoEllen

I love the framing that “digital learning is interaction with technology that supports your learning.” The idea that it is the way in which we interact with technology that ultimately determines how beneficial it is to us and our students is the key component. Having the ability to utilize tools but also understanding what that access is for would be the most difficult part for students in my classroom. Sometimes having had interacted with technology in only one way, then leads to having to reintroduce technology in a different light.

Thank you JoEllen

1 year ago

According to the US Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, “In a digital learning environment, students need access to device, internet connectivity, and skills to support optimal learning.Before implementing digital learning, teachers need to consider how to close digital divides, teach digital citizenship, and maintain privacy and security for the student data created by digital tools.” source https://tech.ed.gov/publications/digital-learning-guide/teacher/

The student friendly definition I will use in my classroom would be that Digital Learning is learning that happens on and offline, in class or at home, whether you are a watching a multimedia video or writing an academic report using any device, such as a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop or a desktop, at home or at your local library.

Anastasia Tsimiklis
1 year ago

I agree. There is a learned definition across all that learning only takes place within the classroom and thats it. This new age of digital learning allows us to open our eyes and see that learning, in fact, takes place anytime, anywhere.

Ilka (Stoessel)
2 years ago

Any type of instruction that incorporates use of technology is considered digital learning. Students use social media, multimedia, online gaming, and mobile phones frequently in their daily lives.

When we refer to digital learning, what we really mean is the process of taking part in a lesson on any subject (either formal or informal) while using technology, most frequently the internet. Digital learning can make use of a range of digital tools. A blog, a video, a live lecture or seminar, or even just an audio file can all be used for digital learning. Using technology to improve a student’s education and learning process is “digital learning.” It allows students greater control than traditional learning.

At least one piece of technology, such as a computer, laptop, or smartphone, will likely be used in digital learning. It is frequently used interchangeably with distance learning, which describes those who study outside of a school, college, or university. A multitude of applications is used for digital learning: interactive gaming, word processing and spreadsheet apps, digital art apps are examples of tools for digital learing.

Vanessa Polonio (she/her)
Reply to  Ilka

I like the point you brought up about how digital learning provides greater control for students. This was highlighted in the Teacher Digital Learning Guide. Digital learning lets students drive their own learning.

Yanilda Hernandez
2 years ago

I googled the definition of digital learning. I came across D2L.com where it says that “digital learning helps learners build skills they need to navigate the world of technology”. After watching the videos my definition of digital learning changed. To me digital learning has a variety of meanings. Digital learning doesn’t only refers to learn via a computer. This also applies to learning through a device and learning how to navigate the world of technology which now is so important to learn. The use of these devices helps get the skills needed to navigate technology safely when accessing applications and networks.

Warrick Balfour
2 years ago

For a 5th-grade class, I would define digital learning as learning that takes advantage of technology. This includes online classes, apps, and watching videos online. Digital learning makes learning more interactive.

This is a general definition gathered from information found at edopp.com As well as listening to a TEDtalk titled “Re-inventing Education for the Digital Age”
The TEDtalk did acknowledge the gap that exist between technology and education. Thus there is a higher need for students and educators to be taught how to use and subsequently how to teach technology.

Vanessa Polonio (she/her)

I think one of the advantages to digital learning is that it does make learning more interactive and engaging. I also agree wit the point that there is a gap between education and technology. It is up to the education department to educate their teachers on how to use these helpful different digital tools. The professional development should be adequate, which is not often the case.

Ilka (Stoessel)
2 years ago

We can easily assume that students don’t need to be ‘taught’ to use technology however, this is far from accurate. Students use technology primarily for socializing and gaming but, when you introduce it as a tool for learning they don’t see the many correlations between the two devices. One thing I’ve noticed as a technology teacher is that despite using a keyboard frequently, when put in front of a computer keyboard students don’t know how to position their hands. Additionally, they complete tasks on their phones that rely on icons to manipulate images, for example. But when they use a similar web based app with the same icons, they don’t know how to complete the same task.

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