Applying  5 E Instructional Models  And UDL To Enhance Science Engagement
Applying 5 E Instructional Models And UDL To Enhance Science Engagement

Applying 5 E Instructional Models And UDL To Enhance Science Engagement


One of science Literacy components is argumentative writing. We focus a lot on that with 6th grade as it aligns with ELA in preparation of standardized test. Students were to answer the focus question as they select a claim that aligns best and use evidence and reasoning in their argument. Students also create a visual aid of their argument using Canva to present to the class with their final findings .

Ashley Perez

Focus Question/ Assessment Question: How can the rescue workers get energy to the batteries in their equipment during rescue missions?

Student materials

Teacher Model

Original lesson Plan

Triple E Framework Source to evaluate tools

Digital Tools


Scoring using triple E

Triple E scoring results
Percentage breakdown of Triple E Evaluation on Kahoot
continued breakdown of evaluation
Final breakdown of evaluation

Original Google Slides


Triple E scoring results
Percentage breakdown of Triple E Evaluation on Canva
continued breakdown of evaluation
Final breakdown of evaluation


Revised lesson Plan using UDL

5 E Model & UDL

Engage: Project the letter from the rescue team onto the whiteboard. Tell students that we are on a special mission and need to help the rescue team out with all that we have learned about Energy thus far. Begin reading the letter as a whole group. Stop periodically to have a student identify the mission, it’s purpose and what is the task at hand . Write the mission on the board so students can reference when needed.

Explore: Instead of using Amplify to look at the evidence cards, Copies will be given to each student so it will be easier to access. Introduce the focus questions and it’s two claims. To bring clarity and reinforce what has been covered thus far; students will partake in a kahoot review on energy so they can make better sense of the claims, understand the purpose of the mission more clearly in order to make a proper decision.

Explain: Teacher will explain the activity in further detail. Students are to select a claim that they can support with evidence and reasoning. They will use the student checklist to ensure that they created a thesis, used two pieces of evidence from the evidence cards given and an analysis. The teacher will explain that there isn’t a write or wrong claim; that is is all about argumentation and reasoning. Teacher will provide sentence starters and teacher models for all students but before teacher will model a response they are looking for.

Elaborate: After students complete the writing portion; students will create a Canva with the claim that they have chosen. The canva will be a visual representation of their argument to present to the class not only showcasing their finding but what they have learned that fostered this decision.

Evaluate: Students will present their canva that will reveal their argument to the class. Further discussion to follow.



-Google slides, Amplify , Canva, Kahoot, sentence starters, teacher models, visual pictures, visuals on the board and claims.


  • Task
  • kahoot
  • Canva
  • Argumentation presentation


  • written
  • displayed
  • visual
  • presented project
  • guided help


In the unit Harnessing Human Energy students are often given task that consist of choosing a claim and providing evidence and reasoning in certain chapters in the unit. This acts as a formative assessment before the initial summative assessment of a performance task. Students are constantly using what they have learned about energy, types of energy to apply it to the rescue teams missions. for instance, getting energy in their flashlights when the power is out, through their body and more. The argumentative writing fosters students to have their own point of view in decision making as many times there is no right or wrong answer. It is simply as to which side is more convincing, evidence, and how you can back it up with what you have learned. In many cases , it is to help the rescue team and teach students how energy can be used in many real life situations.

The original lesson plan really lacked engagement. It was a pretty straight forward lesson directed and implemented on Amplify but many students were losing engagement as the flashcards were on the computer, smaller and students had to go back and forth to it when referencing it in their writing. Having students have it on hand would eliminate the back the forth when writing and keep students engaged in their writing. The new lesson plan would keep engagement throughout the lesson and the flow of the lesson more organized as students always have something to do when done with each task at hand. take a look at the breakdown below:

Original LessonRevised Lesson
Strengths: Teacher model given
Direct instruction
Check for understanding
Frequent check ins
Strengths: Students are reading the mission and identifying the task as a whole. tecaher is writing it down. Students are taking a role in their learning. A kahoot is gievn to check for understanding and refresh the stduents memory. Students are all given a copy of the evdicne cards, teacher models and sentence starters. Teaxher gives an audio version of what is expected in their writing. students also complet a canva for a visual represnetaion of their agruemntive writing in addiotoon to their written.
5 E and UDL are implented completly in the revised lesson plan.
Weakness: Multiple means of representation and engagement Weakness: level 4 extension for students who complete everything, what should they do?
Level 4: Students can be teacher helpers for those struggling with Canva and/or write a reflection as to their choice of design and implementation of their canva.

The digital tools Kahoot and Canva help continue the negament throughout the lesson and are utilized for students to apply prior and learned knowledge through assessment and writing. It allows students to use their creativity to persuade each other as to which claim would be best for the rescue team on their mission with supportive evidence. Students are given many ways of representation for this assignment that can align with many if not all the needs of our learners. The lesson has become more accessible to needs of my students . Using the triple E framework evaluation it was proven that these two tools scored effective and would be a great addition to this lesson. The 5E model will promote active participation, foster critical thinking skills , further learning and meet the needs of all learners. Its great when following UDL as they correspond to one another and ensure the same academic needs of our students. as educators we should always evaluate the tools we use because if we see that one falls short in engagement or any category; we have time to select another to ensure that there are no cracks in the lesson for students to lose interest, get lost and shut down.

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