Good Digital Researchers and Citizens
Good Digital Researchers and Citizens

Good Digital Researchers and Citizens


This poster was created with the idea that my students can learn the concepts of digital citizenship and researching to then create a similar poster.

I used a pretty easy to use child friendly website to create this poster. BrainPop Jr. actually had their own section for internet security and many engaging images related to this. This resource was created for my second grade and upper grade students to create a clear understanding of important guidelines while using the internet. These guidelines will be used for in-person instruction since we longer have remote instruction but they can also be posted on my Google Classroom in case of a school closure. Some guidelines introduced in my poster are inspired by the Common Sense Education Curriculum for digital citizenship and I would like to use those lessons prior to implementing my guidelines poster.

Next, I will show my students the pictures of the poster since a lot of our language based activities consist of critical thinking skills and describing pictures. They will describe the pictures, and try to summarize the guidelines pertaining to the pictures prior to revealing and reviewing the text. Additionally, we would also log on to Brainpop Jr. and have the students create their own web with three or four guidelines we reviewed and guidelines they feel are the most important.

Our Class Guidelines to be Good Digital Researchers and Citizens

Guidelines to be good digital researchers
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