Guidelines for Digital Learning
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Guidelines for Digital Learning



My poster “Guidelines for Digital Learning” was created for Grade 3-5 students in mind. I will print and hang this poster in my classroom after we have engaged in lessons about digital citizenship, the digital footprints we leave behind, our privacy and security. This poster will be an anchor chart meant to remind students of the importance of being online while we are engaging in our digital learning experiences. Also, I will post this poster on our school’s website and Google classrooms to engage families throughout my school community.

Guidelines for digital learning poster for students in grades 3-5.
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Jennifer R. (she/her)

Great tips and it can be easily used with a variety of grades. Love the colors, organization, and graphics.

JoEllen (She/Her)
1 year ago

You visual spans so many key learning points. I like how it provides even more details for the students and asks them to really think about their choices.

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