Instructional Tech Evaluation Models
Instructional Tech Evaluation Models

Instructional Tech Evaluation Models

  1. Identify a learning activity developed in a previous course, class (if working already), or identify a sample learning activity on a topic you are interested in.
  2. Redesign the learning activity using the UDL principles learned in this module.
  3. Identify at least two digital tools to be integrated in the selected learning activity. 
  4. Use an evaluation model of your choice to determine the effectiveness of this learning activity. 
  5. After completing the learning activity redesign and selecting the digital tools, write a reflection comparing the two lesson plans and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. This reflection must include the context for how the use of these digital tools support UDL and accessibility and how effective this learning activity is. 
  6. You must credit your sources.

For this post, I will take the opportunity to show two example lesson plans. One is a lesson plan shared with me many years ago. The other lesson plan is an enhanced version of the first one using my expertise on UDL, the Triple E Framework, and the organizational culture of the school.

Original Lesson Plan

Enhanced Lesson Plan

The original lesson plan is for a gen education 9th grade social studies class. The topic is one the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. During this unit students are learning about the origins of human, and the great migrations. One thing I like to point out is that the original lesson is a good lesson. I saw it in action and by no mean i picked this lesson because it was weak. I actually believe the contrary, but I want to use it for the purpose of enhancing it and perhaps make it a bit more interactive using UDL and the triple E framework.

The original lesson is engaging and provides multiple point of entry. Students are following some set routines and answering questions based on prior knowledge. The lesson also has additional components such as slides and translations for students. I know this because I saw this lesson in action as part of an observation I has to see in my first year at International Community High School.

The enhanced lesson takes many new things in consideration. One of the culture of our school. We are a school that teaches multilingual students, and purposely develops lesson and instruction for students learning English. My school is also committed to integrate literacy and digital literacy into our newest curriculum. Lastly, As a special education teacher I like to think about students with ieps and how to best serve this population. With all of this in mind I decided to add my expertise as an instructional designer. This means revamping the lesson using one of the evaluation models, and thinking about equity and accessibility.

I used the Triple E Model: Triple E stands for “Engagement, Enhancement, and Extension,” and it is designed to evaluate how effectively technology is being used in teaching and learning. ( In the next paragraphs I will explore the two digital tools and why they support the population of ELLs and Students with IEPs at International Community High School. I will also explain how UDL is a great framework for optimizing engagement, enhancement, and extension

To make the new lesson plan more engaging I added a whole new section using the YouTube digital tool. YouTube video offers certain features that can make your videos accessible to students that are Multilingual learners, as well as students with disabilities. Some of YouTube features are adding subtitles and close captions, transcripts, you can include links to similar videos, most videos have a short description, and a database of millions of videos to choose from. It also great for educators to teach active viewing: taking notes, pausing, rewinding, and re watching videos.

The other tool I used was Padlet, Padlet is great for whole class participation. One great feature is the anonymity option. Students can post things on a Padlet wall and keep their names hidden, and students can participate freely without thinking or having that pressure about being wrong. This is great for English Language learner, as they are in a phase of adopting and beginning to acquire a new language. The teacher will have access to all names and will be able to assess learning outcomes and provide informal, guided and constructive feedback. According to, Padlet can also support over 40 languages.

Some of the other changes I made to the lesson were adding an entire section to support students with IEP, including paraprofessional responsibilities. I offer suggestions around different ICT teaching models, like co-teaching, One teach one assist, etc. The new lesson is packed with UDL suggestions and checkpoints for guidance. Some examples are:

Provide Multiple Means of  Engagement by using Checkpoint  7.3- UDL , minimize Threats and distractions.  Ensure that students are working  and answering their do now.

(Provide Multiple Levels of  Representation -checkpoint 2.5 – UDL , have a running slide projected with  notes, images or interactive graphics  – These will make the information in  text more comprehensible to a wide  variety of learners. 

Maximize Transfer and generalization checkpoint 3.4 Walk around the room checking for understanding. Support students if needed. Make notes for further discussion with Mr. Martin on  how to best help struggling students and how students were successful in  today’s lesson.

These are just some of the many adaptations that I included in the new lesson. Follow the links to see all the other great stuff about equity and accessibility and how to enhance a lesson plan using evaluation models and digital tools.


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