Lesson Plan 5E
Lesson Plan 5E

Lesson Plan 5E

Original Lesson Plan: https://www.education.com/download/lesson-plan/exploring-emotions/exploring-emotions.pdf

Activity Link: https://www.education.com/download/worksheet/174694/emotions-are-like-the-weather.pdf

Redesign Lesson Plan


  1. Play a short video of emotions.
  2. Discussion: Discuss how important emotions are and how they can affect us.
  3. Ask the students to name some emotions
  4. Ask if happy was a weather how would it look 

Quiz Kahoot 

Build a Kahoot quiz to review students’ knowledge.

How does an angry face look?

What can you do to help a friend feel better?


  1. Students will be in groups of 4 and will play emotion charades. 
  2. Students will answer the following questions:
  3. What do you think happiness means?
  4. What does a good friend look like?
  5. What emotion do you feel right now?


  • Introduce the emotion wheel and explain to students what it is and how we use it. Students will see how emotions are interconnected and how they transition from one to another. 
  • Draw the emotion wheel on the whiteboard
  • Ask students what emotions to add and discuss situations that bring out those emotion.
  • Ask students to tell personal experiences about an emotion they had a challenge with.


Students will draw or write an emotion they felt on the first day of school in their journals. While students are writing and drawing, the teacher will ask open-ended questions and observe how students work independently. 

The teacher will also answer any questions students might have.


Students will be given an exit ticket on NearPod that will ask them 

  • Today is….
  • Today I learned…
  • Something that made me happy today….


I used Kahoot because it is a fun online learning tool for students to learn and build. Teachers can create their quizzes or use the ones that are already there. It motivates students to learn and can test their knowledge and help them retain information. I use Nearpod because it will help make the lesson plan interactive while still being interesting. It can make differentiation easier for educators. It also saves teachers time on planning. For the original lesson plan, the strengths are gives teachers a lot of guided directions. The whole class engaging which can make students feel very comfortable. The lesson makes the students wonder about different emotions. The weakness would be there isn’t a lot of hands-on activity for students to do. The lesson could be a little long for some students. There is no online learning tool for students to learn from. No engaging activity for the whole class. In the revised lesson plan the strengths are gives teachers a more guided direction of what to teach the students. It uses online learning tools that would be engaging for students and make them want to learn more. The weakness would be it could be more detailed, there could be more videos or life experiences for students to be able to connect too. The teacher could ask more open-ended questions.

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