- Character Feeling lesson that was already developed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UV1rr-8maXBgWT_5Afhwc-tu8Keke6NN/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117938627826232047717&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Redesign of the lesson plan using other instructional design model I learned in this module (GAGNE’S 9 EVENTS OF INSTRUCTION). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YaJU7NMmrFCWe0jhcZ3QlTram7zoOuC1aYrRfN5r98Q/edit?usp=sharing
- Identify at least two digital tools to be integrated in the selected lesson plan.
- Finding Nemo Youtube for Event1/Gain Attention
- SCRATCH of Cinderella for Event4/Present the Content
- Canva with different clips for Event6/Elicit Practice
- Both the original lesson plan and the one redesigned using Gagne’s 9 events were strong because they had a clear objective. Both were aligned with New York State Standards for the 3rd grade. The original lesson was strong because it was short and scaffolded; there was a gradual release from teacher modeling, to practicing the skill together, to giving students a chance to practice the skill independently. A weakness is that there was not a clear plan for feedback and there was not a rubric made available for students. A final thing the original lesson did well was that it had planned time for small group instruction and time for a share at the end. A final weakness of the original lesson is that there was no time for peer/self reflection or for students to assess how they did toward achieving the goal of the lesson. The revised lesson plan was much more detailed than the original. There were many more parts and a lot more resources and overall many more strengths. I had to create many things and find a lot more to include to meet the requirements of Gagne’s 9 events. A huge strength of the revised lesson is that I selected 3 high quality digital tools to improve the lesson. For Event1/Gain Attention I found a very short clip from Finding Nemo to hook the students into the lesson to grab their attention and interest in the topic (character feelings). Next for Event4/Present the Content, I found a SCRATCH animation that someone made about Cinderella as a model to show and explain the material I want students to learn; it is another source to practice the skill of identifying character feeling thinking about what characters think, say, and do. Another strength of the lesson is that for Event6/Elicit Practice, I created a Canva with different short clips for students to practice the skills in groups. This digital tool is important because it gives students a chance to try the skill multiple times in short tasks. During this “event” I incorporated time for collaboration and peer assessment. Another strength of the revised lesson is that students got many opportunities to practice the standards-aligned skill and self/peer assess along the way before having to take a high-stakes assessment on it. The final strength of the revised lesson was that there is a plan at the end to enhance retention. One weakness I noticed in the revised lesson was that I only gave the students a chance to practice the skill in a book one time since the rest were all in digital form. Another weakness is the lesson was much longer and I might run out of time to get to all components of the lesson in just one period. Overall, the revised lesson plan is the better one because it incorporates meaningful digital tools and is designed using an instructional design model.
- Source Credits
Gagne’s 9 events of instruction. (2013, January 30). Retrieved June 29, 2024 from https://citt.ufl.edu/resources/the-learning-process/designing-the-learning-experience/gagnes-9-events-of-instruction/
Calkins, L. (2011). A Curricular Plan For The Reading Workshop: Grade 3. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann.
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