Lesson Plan, Redesign and Evaluation Model:
I felt that both lessons offer the room for interpretation and gives teachers ways
to expand and change the lesson to fit their students’ needs. The goal of both
lessons is to increase the knowledge and flow of writing for younger students.
These students are just learning how to create sentences and to put them together
in a way that begins to flow. The original lesson is created for a small group of
two students One weakness of the original lesson the use of digital tool of
typing is not present. In the redesign there is the digital tool of google docs
and the option to type if students would like. In addition to this there is the
option for creating through pictures as well. Both lessons include the book Pete
the Cat at the Beach, and it would be presented in a video format, which is another
digital tool. Using a video is a way of engagement for the students as videos
tend to capture students’ attention especially for younger students. Both lessons include the option for sentence
starters and ways to prompt the students to create sentences which is also a
strength. The digital tools presented in the second lesson give the opportunity
for more involvement of students that struggle with writing and are learning
more by typing.