After redesigning this lesson with the 5 E model of instruction I realize how in depth my lesson became, it took on a whole new plan including adding another digital tool. Using engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate the structure of the lesson will give my students more time to complete research and create an infographic to display to other students what they have learned about AI and machine learning. When looking at how to get the students to elaborate about what they learned after playing the AI and Ocean game on, giving the students time to create a short response will help me to analyze what they learned and enhance the lesson outcomes.
Strength of 1st lesson: Students could complete in one or 2 periods addressing vocabulary words and videos at their own pace.
Weakness of 1st lesson: Only using one digital tool, does not ask students to elaborate and evaluate their learning of the topic.
Strength of redesigned lesson: Lesson asked students to create an infographic using Canva to share with other students. Included more student centered tasks.
Weakness of redesigned lesson: Lesson does turn into lessons which will take place over more scheduled periods. The use of 2 digital tools does give the students opportunity to be creative with what they learned from the game regarding AI and machine learning but it will take time for students to create the infographic and to share out.
The lesson I chose to was from EDU 226 on AI and Machine Learning
Here is my revised lesson using the 5 E model