Story Map- An Interactive Writing Guide
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Story Map- An Interactive Writing Guide

For my capstone project, I chose to continue my final project from EDU 226 and put it into action. In EDU 226, I focused on accessibility and created a “story map” to aid students in their written assignments. The second artifact that was created was a teacher’s guide on how to implement the story map. As a speech therapist, I have many students whose goals include expanding their writing skills related to basic sentence structure and reading comprehension. I often see that students really struggle with this and will shut down when presented with writing assignments. The goal of this story map is to guide all students in their writing. The Story Map is geared towards 3rd and 4th grade students; however, it can be edited to whatever the teacher may need it for. Since I was placed in a middle school for the summer, I had students on my caseload in 6th to 8th grade. I decided to work with three students, D.S, O.A, and T.T, on the implementation of this project as they all have writing goals within their IEPs. I also shared these documents with my colleague, who was placed in an elementary school for the summer, and she trialed it with one of her groups as well.

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