The Intersection of UDL and Grit
The Intersection of UDL and Grit

The Intersection of UDL and Grit

Original Lesson Plan

Revised Lesson Plan Using UDL


The original lesson is an introductory Advisory lesson focusing on one of my school’s core values, grit. This lesson was designed many years ago by a former teacher at the school. However, it continues to be used year after year. 

The original lesson plan provides a straightforward approach to introducing the concept of grit. The use of small group discussions at the stations allows for active engagement and hands-on learning. The hook with the Theory of Action (a previously covered topic) creates a connection to the overarching theme of developing students’ grit.

However, there are several weaknesses as it pertains to UDL. The original lesson plan lacks the integration of digital tools, which may limit accessibility for diverse learners. The activities mainly involve verbal communication and written tasks, potentially overlooking students with different learning preferences or abilities. Also, limited opportunities for students to express themselves creatively and utilize multimedia resources may limit their understanding instead of enhancing it.

In contrast, the revised lesson plan effectively engages students through the use of a video hook and interactive digital tools like Flipgrid and Nearpod. The incorporation of Flipgrid allows students to express themselves through video responses, promoting multiple means of expression. The integration of Nearpod provides interactive activities that cater to diverse learning preferences, supporting UDL principles. The creative project where students are given the choice to use either Flipgrid or Nearpod empowers students to demonstrate their understanding in a personalized and engaging manner.

As with any lesson that relies heavily upon technology, this lesson makes it imperative for all students to have access to technology and the internet. Additionally, some students might find the transition to using digital tools and platforms distracting or overwhelming if they are not familiar with them–particularly at the beginning of the school year, when we teach this lesson.

Most importantly, the revised lesson plan strongly aligns with UDL principles by incorporating digital tools that provide multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression. The use of Flipgrid and Nearpod enables students to express themselves through video responses, written text, images, and interactive activities, catering to various learning preferences. Nearpod’s interactive whiteboard and collaborative group discussions enhance accessibility by promoting engagement and active participation. Additionally, the use of these digital tools fosters an inclusive learning environment, allowing students to access information through different modalities.

Finally, the redesigned lesson using UDL, the 5E model, and integrating digital tools Flipgrid and Nearpod aligns effectively with the Triple E Framework. It engages students in various ways, enhances their learning experience with interactive and multimedia tools, extends learning through creative projects, evaluates understanding through reflection, and empowers students to take ownership of their learning. This approach fosters an inclusive and effective learning environment, catering to diverse learning needs and promoting a deeper understanding of grit and growth mindset. I will share it with my colleagues at the start of the school year. 

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