UDL Lab 3
UDL Lab 3

UDL Lab 3

Johanna Ott

  1. I chose to make a classroom schedule for an early education classroom. I had made this last year for a 1st grade class in the school that I work at. This year when we were getting the classroom ready for the new school year, decorating, and getting things together for our new group of students we noticed that our daily schedule was only in English. In previous years the schedule only being in English wouldn’t be a big thing but in this years’ class there were four students that are English Language Learners. In order for this classroom to be equitable to all of our students we needed to make everything that was in the classroom equitable for all students. In order to make everything equitable and inclusive we had to change everything in the class suitable for students that spoke English and Spanish equally.

Modified Design:

  • 3. I used Canva to create the classroom schedule and Google Translate to translate the text from English to Spanish.
  • 4. The evaluation model of that I used to determine the effectiveness of this learning activity was Triple E

Engagement- Are all students able to engage in the activity? Are all students able to read and/or look at the schedule and what the schedule represents?

Enhancement- Does the schedule allow for students to understand what is expected after each activity?

Extension- Are students able to look at the schedule and know what they should be doing and what time of the day it is?

5. After looking at both schedules the schedule that was modified was the better schedule. That schedule was equitable and all students felt like they belonged in the class because their needs were thought of and taken into consideration. That is the most important thing when you are dealing with a group of people that come from different walks of life. When people feel that they were considered and thought of they tend to have a more positive attitude and engage more because they feel like they are a part of. With this 1st grade Early Education Class even though the students may not be fluent readers yet they can still make sense of what is going on throughout their day by looking at the words along with the pictures and who knows maybe looking at the schedule with pictures and words may help students increase the number of words in the 1st grade sight words. With looking at the words and pictures everyday I’m pretty sure that connections and associations are being made.

I used Canva’s template to create the schedule and Google Translate to translate the words from English into Spanish. Using these two digital tools made it easier for me to make a clear and concise depiction of the day. At any given time a student that was out of the room and is now entering the room could look up at the schedule and know which schedule block we are currently in, which block they missed, and what we will be moving into next. Google Translate helped tremendously because I do not speak Spanish. I typed in what I wanted to have translated and it not only gave me the information that I wanted at that moment, it also gave me a way to communicate with students that I wouldn’t normally be able to communicate with because we don’t speak the same language.

6. Cite:

Canva: all images are licensed under Canva.

Google Translate:

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