9 Guidelines for Digital Learning 
9 Guidelines for Digital Learning 

9 Guidelines for Digital Learning 

I designed my infographic poster on Digital Learning for my high school Living Environment classroom, where I teach 9th and 10th grade students. I covered all four topics from Module 1, including: digital learning, digital footprint, digital citizenship, and digital privacy skills. 

The link for my infographic poster that I will be putting up on the wall in my classroom is: 9 Guidelines for Digital Learning. I will put up the poster above my computer cart to serve as a reminder for students whenever they use technology in the classroom. The resource that I will use to teach my students these guidelines is: 9 Guidelines for Digital Learning (Student Facing). All of my students are multilingual students. Although both links include the same information, I want to make sure that each of the guidelines for the 4 domains of digital learning are fully explained before they see the poster on the wall. For this reason, I am providing the student-facing Canva presentation that I will use to explain to students first, so that the information is broken down into each of the four domains, and more manageable. I made sure to highlight key words/phrases in the infographic, above the description for each guideline. I also provided a translated version of the infographic poster (it is on page 2 of the Canva 9 Guidelines for Digital Learning), as the majority of my students are Spanish-speakers. It is important for all of my students to fully understand the guidelines posted, so I will make sure to show them videos (translations available) for each of the components of digital learning. 

The guidelines I selected, description of each guideline, and accompanying questions are below: 

Guideline #1: Use technology and digital tools to help you learn

  • Description of Guideline: Check google classroom and email daily for updates. Stay on track – use the websites and links indicated
  • Questions to keep in mind: How do videos, interactive activities, and learning at your own pace help you understand content? How can using the screencasts on Google Classroom help guide you with digital learning?

Guideline #2: Be mindful about the information you post online

  • Description of Guideline: Make sure that you are not posting sensitive information. Any information you post remains online (even if you delete
  • Questions to keep in mind: Should I post this?Who can see my digital activity?

Guideline #3: Show Respect 

  • Description of Guideline: We use respectful communication online and offline.
  • Questions to keep in mind: How do I interact respectfully online?

Guideline #4: Report cyberbullying    

  • Description of Guideline: We are upstanders and stand against cyberbullying
  • Questions to keep in mind: How can I stand up to cyberbullying?

Guideline #5: Maintain Balance

  • Description of Guideline: We balance our digital life and know when to unplug
  • Questions to keep in mind: How do I balance my time online vs. offline?

Guideline #6: Think Critically

  • Description of Guideline: We verify if sources are credible and reliable. We think critically and rely on evidence.
  • Questions to keep in mind: Is this source reliable? Can I depend on it?

Guideline #7: Check your privacy settings

  • Description of Guideline: Manage your privacy settings and cookies. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Questions to keep in mind: Do I have a strong password?

Guideline #8: Maintain your privacy and the privacy of those around you

  • Description of Guideline: Refrain from posting personal information (address, phone number, etc.) for yourself and others
  • Questions to keep in mind: Am I being careful to not share personal information?

Guideline #9: Be mindful of scammers

  • Description of Guideline: Use reliable websites. Avoid downloading content from unknown sources or clicking on suspicious links. Avoid using public wi-fi.
  • Questions to keep in mind: Am I taking precautions to be safe online?
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