Expressive and Receptive Language Skills with Backwards Model
Expressive and Receptive Language Skills with Backwards Model

Expressive and Receptive Language Skills with Backwards Model


I created a lesson plan last year for my observation for a bilingual Spanish Pre-K student on my caseload. My student was working on his receptive and expressive language skills. The goals I wanted to target for him were working on following directions consisting of inclusion and exclusion concepts (i.e., all, some, one, the rest) as well as him expanding his utterance length and variety of sentences by including adjectives to describe everyday items. I chose to use a sensory bin for my original lesson plan and picture cards have him sort and follow directions.

I decided to use the Backwards Model since I like how I can focus on the goals and create assessment opportunities after teaching. Since I know these are objectives my student has not met I decided to think of a final activity where we can target most of the goals and concepts we reviewed during the lesson. I added a Boom Card sorting game for my student  where he can use adjectives but also answer questions and label various items from a category in a complete sentence. I feel like my original lesson plan only reviewed concepts my just assessed using the same materials in the lesson rather than allowing my student to practice the skills in another context which can facilitate carryover. Furthermore, adding this assessment is another engaging and motivating activity that will make my student want to practice. 

When I modified my lesson I wanted to include technology again to create the opportunity for further engagement with technology and clarify concepts that may be confusing. I also added a slide deck as a visual representation of the vocabulary presented and allow the student more opportunity to practice following directions. My original lesson only had a visual if needed for words like 'some' or 'all' but sometimes it is best to see and try the concept at the same time. Although my original did not have a digital component I wanted to maintain the variety of multi-sensory materials for my student. My student is very active and presenting several activities while catering to learning style continue to be important factors in maintain engagement and access to learning.

Original Lesson Plan: Targeting, Following Directions, Using Adjectives in Longer Utterances and Answering ‘Cuando’/’When’ Questions


1) Hot and Cold picture sort activity 

 2) Winter Sensory Bin 

3) Hide and Seek Box 

 4) Hot and Cold coloring sheet (homework) 

Session Objectives:  

1) Student will use adjectives ‘caliente’/’hot’ and ‘frio’/’cold in phrases to describe pictures 

2) Student will follow directions with inclusion and exclusion concepts: ‘todos’/’all’, ‘algunos’/’some’  

3) Student will name items that are cold or hot, and clothes for cold and hot weather. 

4) Student will answer question: ‘Cuando’/’when’ do you wear _______?” 


New York State Pre-K Learning Standards Targeted: 

PK.AC.4. Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary  

PK.ELAL.29 [PKL.6] Uses words and phrases acquired through language rich experiences, conversations, reading and being read to, responding to texts, and child-centered, play-based experiences 

PK.ELAL.22. [PKSL.4] Describes familiar people, places, things and events 

PK.ELAL.28. [PKL.5] Explores and discusses word relationships and word meanings 



1) Socio-emotional Check-in: Student will state how he is feeling by pointing to picture and using phrase: “Me siento _______.” or “Me siento _____ porque. (“I feel _____ .” or “I feel _______because_________.”) 

2) Introduce sensory bin and explore items by labeling them and then follow directions with inclusion and exclusion concepts using box.  

3) Teach concept of caliente/hot and frio/cold and explain chart. Student will then sort pictures in chart and state: _________ es caliente/frio ( ______is hot/cold). 

Concept Review:

1) Student will then independently label category of hot and cold after provider lists items,  

2) Provider will remove pictures and ask student to name 3-4 items that are hot and cold independently.  


Send sorting activity sheet home with “Today in Speech” note for parent with instructions and review of concepts.  

Level of cues and Prompts:  

  • Provide visual cues such as sentence strips, question cards, picture cards, and visual of ‘all’ and ‘some’.  
  • Provide immediate recall when answering questions to facilitate recall of information to answer question. 
  •  Models will be used to produce appropriate sentence structure.  
  • Provide multiple opportunities for repetition of concepts. 
  • Repeat directions if necessary.  

Revised Lesson Plan

Session Objectives:  

1) Student will use adjectives ‘caliente’/’hot’ and ‘frio’/’cold in phrases to describe pictures 

2)  Student will follow directions with inclusion and exclusion concepts: ‘todos’/’all’, ‘algunos’/’some’  

3) Student will name items that are cold or hot, and clothes for cold and hot weather. 

4) Student will answer the question: ‘Cuando’/’when’ do you wear _______?” 


1) Hot and Cold picture sort activity 

2) Winter Sensory Bin 

3) Inclusion and Exclusion Powerpoint

4) “What Will They Wear” Boom Card activity  

5) Hot and Cold coloring sheet (homework) 


New York State Pre-K Learning Standards Targeted: 

PK.AC.4. Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary  

PK.ELAL.29 [PKL.6] Uses words and phrases acquired through language rich experiences, conversations, reading and being read to, responding to texts, and child-centered, play-based experiences 

PK.ELAL.22. [PKSL.4] Describes familiar people, places, things and events 

PK.ELAL.28. [PKL.5] Explores and discusses word relationships and word meanings 



1) Socio-emotional Check-in: Student will state how he is feeling by pointing to picture and using phrase: “Me siento _______.” or “Me siento _____ porque. (“I feel _____ .” or “I feel _______because_________.”) 

2) Review Powerpoint with student to have visual concept of inclusion and exclusion concept words. 

3) In Powerpoint student will have a visual present of target words and then manipulate objects to reflect visual and practice.

3)Introduce sensory bin and explore winter items and winter clothes by labeling them and then follow directions with inclusion and exclusion concepts.   

3) Teach concept of caliente/hot and frio/cold and explain chart. Student will then sort pictures in chart and state: _________ es caliente/frio ( ______is hot/cold). 

Concept Review: 

  • Student will then independently label category of hot and cold after provider lists items,  
  • Provider will remove pictures and ask Student to name 3-4 items that are hot and cold independently.  
  • Student will dress characters in Boom Card according to hot and cold weather. 
  • Provider will ask: “Cuando te pones _______?” (“When do you wear ________?”). Will respond with: “Me pongo _____cuando esta frio/caliente.” (“ I wear ____ when  it’s hot/cold.”)  


Send sorting activity sheet home with “Today in Speech” note for parent with instructions and review of concepts.  

Level of cues and Prompts:  

  • Provide visual cues such as sentence strips, question cards, picture cards.
  • Provide immediate recall when answering questions to facilitate recall of information to answer question. 
  •  Models will be used to produce appropriate sentence structure.  
  • Provide multiple opportunities for repetition of concepts. 
  • Repeat directions if necessary.  


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